She knows!
Look how she laughs without fear for her future!
Rivers of peace flow from within her!
She walks with confidence and joy,
Hand-in-hand, together with her Beloved.
She knows!
Look! She lifts the countenance of all around her.
With every word she speaks, love rushes out of her!
Her generosity is above all others.
Let Us pour out more blessings upon her!
She knows!
“Look at her now!” declares the Bridegroom with adoration.
Song of Songs 8:5 TPT
Who is this one? Look at her now! She arises out of her desert clinging to her beloved. When I awakened you under the apple tree, as you were feasting upon me, I awakened your innermost being with the travail of birth as you longed for more of me.
Jesus,The Bridegroomrejoices over the Church, His Bride, as she welcomes the revelations that draw her closer to His heart. Confidence and joy bubble up from within her because she knows how loved and secure, He has made her. She knows the love of her King. She knows her Name is His. She knows that He goes before her preparing her steps, so she doesn’t need to be afraid of what comes next. She knows that all her needs are met, so she is gracious with others and her hands are generous. She knows His voice and trusts his word, so she follows Him with boldness knowing He will never let her go. She looks to Him alone. The Bride of Christ clings to her Beloved saying, “Let it be unto me as you, my LORD, have spoken.”
As The Bride seeks the Face of Jesus, she will discover His delight in her and she will be at rest in His love. We pray that you come to know the pleasure of the King, the One who declares to all of Creation, “Look at her! Look at my Beloved. She is ready to move mountains.”
Song of Song 4:4
“When I look at you, I see how you have taken my fruit and tasted my word. Your life has become clean and pure, like a lamb washed and newly shorn. You now show grace and balance with truth on display.