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12/21/2024 Gathering: A comparison of Zechariah and Mary

Guest Speaker: Pastor Joe Bologna

Gathering Date: 12/21/24

A comparison of Zechariah and Mary

Scripture References: Luke 1: 5-24, Luke 1:25-38

The New Testament of Luke opens with two comparable, but very different narratives:

Both Zechariah and Mary are approached by the angel, Gabriel, who delivers a message from the LORD. Both messages from Gabriel included a word from the LORD that was

impossible for Zechariah and Mary to accomplish on their own, yet both words came to pass as they were spoken.

The main difference between the stories is Zechariah did not believe the word of the LORD delivered by the angel, however Mary did.  


A Study of Zechariah and Elizabeth

Scripture References: Luke 1:5-20

During this historical period, a couple without children was often seen as cursed, likely due to some perceived sin. However, the Bible notes that Zechariah and Elizabeth were viewed as righteous by God and lived blamelessly before Him. Despite this, they were childless because Elizabeth was barren. They might have faced false accusations of sin, but the Bible clearly indicates they did nothing to warrant their childlessness. Instead, it suggests that sometimes events simply occur in life. As stated in Matthew 5:45, "The rain falls on the just and unjust."

Zechariah served as a priest in the presence of God. He would go into the sanctuary to burn incense, while those outside the temple would engage in prayer. The act of burning incense was a religious responsibility performed by the priest, symbolizing the prayers of God's people.

When the angel appeared to Zechariah with the message that he would have a child, he was in the temple burning incense. Elizabeth was beyond childbearing age, making it impossible for the couple to fulfill the LORD's word on their own. Since Elizabeth was too old to conceive, Zechariah may have stopped praying for a child, as it seemed impractical to continue in prayer given his wife's age. He likely lost hope of ever becoming a father. This could explain why Zechariah did not believe Gabriel's message. Zechariah's response indicates that he questioned out of doubt, not merely seeking procedural details. However, prayer is not limited by time and has no expiration. No prayer is "lost" in heaven, and no tear is unnoticed by God. God heard Zechariah and Elizabeth's prayers for a child and choose when to answer them.

Zechariah was overseeing the activity of prayer, but he lacked an understanding of the power of prayer.

Does this mean that we can engage in religious activity, but not walk with or know God? …Yes!

When Zechariah doubted the message delivered by Gabriel, Gabriel replied in the authority of the LORD who had sent him. In Luke 1:19, Gabriel declared that he stands before God and was sent by God to deliver this message to Zechariah.

Similarly, God desires us to respond to doubt or doubters by standing in His presence, listening to His word, and speaking it. He wants us to experience a deeper connection with Him—walking in His presence so that the world may know Him through us, just like the uneducated disciples who were recognized as having been with Jesus. We should come together and individually walk with Christ to be influenced by Him. This is the church! The church consists of those who stand in God's presence to be transformed by His word and are sent with His authority to reveal God's true nature to the world.

We require the Holy Spirit to enlighten us with the knowledge of God through Jesus Christ. For instance, when Jesus asked Peter, "Who do you say I am?" Peter accurately identified Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus replied, indicating that this understanding was revealed to Peter by the Spirit of God. It's crucial to note that Jesus did not attribute this revelation to the miracles Peter witnessed during his time with Christ; rather, it is solely through the Spirit of God that we can truly know Jesus.


A Study of Mary (the mother of Jesus)

Scripture reference:  Luke 1:25-38

Mary was described as being greatly favored by God. The angel disclosed Mary's identity, prompting her to reflect on its significance. She was disturbed by the angel's words, rather than his appearance. Have we reflected on what God has declared about His people? He refers to them as a chosen generation, a holy nation, and co-heirs with Christ.

The angel delivered a message to Mary that she could not fulfill on her own. She was to bear a child while remaining a virgin. One of the most extraordinary miracles is a virgin becoming pregnant. Mary asked the angel, "How can this be?" She was inquiring about the process, not expressing doubt. Mary wanted to understand how this would happen, since the natural laws contradicted the angel's message. The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come [...]." It is not about the "how" but the "who." When God sends His word, it cannot be fulfilled without Him. He is the Word. Jesus came to set aside human efforts, and He prayed to the Father to give us His Holy Spirit. The anti-Christ is the spirit of anti-anointing. The New Testament mentions that this spirit is already in the world. This resembles those who claim to follow Jesus but lack a relationship with the Holy Spirit—they possess a form of godliness.

Mary simply received the word of God as truth and the word she received came to pass just as Gabriel spoke.

Nuggets of Revelation:

  • When Jesus said, “I am willing,” He was not answering a question, He was revealing His nature.

  • We need Holy Spirit to open our eyes of understanding to know Jesus.  If we are not careful, we can engage in religious activity yet not know God (His nature). This looks like those who would profess Jesus but have no relationship with Holy Spirit.

  • In Heaven we will not have the opportunity to sing and praise the Lord through our pain.

  • The Father is not seeking worship --- He desires the worshipper (you).

  • Bring your best to the Lord, no matter what it looks like.

  • Endurance and perseverance please the Father. The race is not given to the swift, but to those who endure until the end.


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