To bring the lost home
Then He said to them, "The harvest is truly great, but the laborers are few; Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Go your way: behold,
I send you out as lambs among wolves."
- Luke 10:2-3
And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
- Mark 16:15
Our outreaches have included Community Park Events, Tent Meetings, Floats in Christmas Parades, Door to Door Ministry, Community Movie Nights for Children, Creative Theater, Prayer Gatherings, and Food/Clothing/School Supply Distribution. We frequently partner with other churches and ministries for outreach events.
Coalition is defined as a combination or alliance, especially a temporary one, between persons, factions, states, etc., or a union into one body or mass; fusion.
The Coalition is designed primarily to impact students on local college campuses within a 50 mile radius. We gather together believers from the campus, then with the assistance of
our Arts Academy, develop a performing arts event as a joint effort specifically tailored to the
spiritual climate of that particular campus.
To Learn More Click Here
If you would like the coalition to host an event at your college, please call the church at 609.804.9232
Current Projects
We are on a mission to bring the gopsel to every person in our region. One way we are accomplishing this is to deliver a Bible (along with other materials) to every home . We have partnered with an established ministry in this endeavor called Saturate.
We are currently purchasing Bibles to prepare for this project.
if you would like to give toward this movement, click our give button and select get the Word out.
To learn more about Saturate click here
We are currently purchasing Bible to prepare for this project.
We are in the process of building up the supplies needed to efficiently and effectively bring the gospel to as many people as possible. This includes a recently purchased 8' x 20' trailer to utilize as a transportable stage, and a full-sized portable baptismal.