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12/28/24 Gathering: Preparing for 2025

Gathering Date: 12/28/24

Guest Speaker: Donna Friend

The 5 Most Important Keys to Transition into 2025

  1. Don't give offerings to spiritual strongholds.

It's time to eliminate distractions! If we continue to give offerings to strongholds, we won't be able to claim the territory God has designated for us. Examples of strongholds include food, alcohol, drugs, pornography, social media, fear, television, gaming, control, and so on. Need help identifying those strongholds? It is good to ask the question, "Do I believe __________________ will make me feel better?" It is important to remember "what I believe is how I behave." When we make an offering to a stronghold, we empower it in our lives. Strongholds will disconnect us from our true source: God.

Ask yourself: What strongholds am I currently empowering and what can I offer to God in exchange?

  1. Where the Serpent has bitten you is where you have authority!

Allow God to use your experiences to assist others. If you've discovered the "code," share it. This "code" acts like an anti-venom. When bitten, we might be tempted to flee to avoid another bite, but this is not victory—it's defeat. Fear or paranoia reflects an unbalanced mind, as seen in Elijah hiding from Jezebel. The Scriptures feature many who were bitten; however, the true heroes are those who, despite being bitten, moved forward and aided others. Study these heroes in Scripture and let God guide you to help others in the areas where you've been bitten.

Document the things you have been healed from or have overcome in your life. You possess greater authority in these areas.

  1. Evangelism

The harvest is ready. Prepare to share the gospel of Christ and offer meaningful testimonies. As kings and priests, we impact those around us through our lives and dedication to Christ. Remove the burden (guilt/legalism) of what evangelism should appear or sound like. Remember God brings the increase (salvation), we simply water. Simply be present and listen to the Holy Spirit. Develop relationships with people without any hidden motives. Seek guidance from the Lord on how to love those around you. Season your words with salt -- SEASON -- rather than overwhelming with too much at once.

Read 1 Peter 3:15 and Colossians 4:5.

  1. The Power of Gratitude

Anxiety and gratitude share the same area in our brains, so cultivating gratitude can prevent a victim mentality. When you feel anxious, take a moment to focus on what is pure, holy, and right. A practical way to do this is by setting a daily reminder on your phone to practice gratitude.

Read Philippians 4:5-6

  1. Navigating Transition

    **Discover how to walk WITH God.

    In times of transition, it's common to feel like you can only see the next step, not the entire path. By being obedient in each step, we learn to trust God and walk alongside Him. Obedience is the currency of heaven and draws God's favor. You are currently progressing at the pace of your obedience. God allows you to set the limits of your breakthrough. During transitional periods and throughout the year, it's important to take sabbaticals with God. Dedicate your time to the LORD and connect with Him. Let God renew your vision (refocus), make necessary realignments, and provide new direction. Steward the direction and instruction He gives to you.

    4 Questions to ask God

    1. How do you see me in 2025?

    2. What do you want me to start doing?

    3. What do you want me to stop doing?

    4. Who are my priority relationships this year?

To watch the full message on YouTube, click the link below:

Consider joining us on Saturdays at 10:00am!

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