What is a Mindset?
A mindset is a group of thoughts that make up a whole way of thinking. It is a set of attitudes, thoughts and beliefs that you hold when you make a choice.
What kind of thoughts can we have?
-Thoughts, feelings, beliefs, convictions, reaction, ideas, etc.
Have you considered asking God what His mindset or thoughts are? Have you asked Him what He thinks about you? If we do not know the thoughts of God, how can we come into agreement with Him?
Psalm 33:11
God’s thoughts never change.
Job 42:2
Ecclesiastes 3:11
Nothing can stop the plan of God and He never changes. Part of his plan is about humanity – to restore fellowship with us through Jesus.
John 3:16-17
God’s thoughts are about us, and He wants us to walk with Him. He does not want anyone to perish. God wants to restore the relationship that Adam and Eve had with God. They walked with God. God met with Adam and Eve. Jesus has made it possible for us to have this relationship with God.
What is God’s plan?
Micah 6:8
The Lord requires us to be kind and compassionate.
Genesis 1:26
God desired for us to be made in His likeness.
The Lord spoke to Moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend.
Exodus 34:29
Moses had a radiance about him when He spent time with God. We can have that same radiance.
John 17:6
When Jesus walked on the earth, He manifested God and all his benefits.
John 1:5
God wants us to know Him.
We need to commune with God in a personal way. He created us to walk with him.
Jeremiah 29:11
God gives us peace, a future and hope. What kind of confidence will be walk in when we walk with God?
Isaiah 43:5-7
We are created for God’s Glory.
Declare: I am created for God’s Glory.
Psalm 8: 4-6
If we are created for God’s glory, we should not allow things to overwhelm us. Because we walk with God we walk in authority and dominion.
Ezekiel 37
When we have the river of living water flowing within us it reaches and touches those around us. The river of living water will flow out from us as we walk with God.
Ankle Deep - may be a personal who has unbelief and walks in traditions of man. They are acquainted with scripture.
Knee Deep - They know the word, but don’t put the word into action.
Hip Deep - “Half in-Half out” They know the word and have studied it, but still not all-in.
[With all of these, there is still a level of control and option to leave.]
Plunging in - "All-in". Greater work is being done through the life of the believer. The river of God flows through you. Your soul is attentive to your Spirit and in alignment God.
There are different levels of relationship on our journey of learning to walk with God.
Matthew 16:24-28
To follow Jesus, we must be all-in.
Luke 18:22-27
We must let go of things that produce death in our life, so we may gain life. In Christ, we have so much life that we have life to give away!
Apostle Paul learned that nothing in the world was worth more than knowing Christ. We should want to get to that place where we are all-in with Christ, and we joyfully give up own life (desires, will) to gain His life.
1 Corinthians 3:5-9 & 2 Corinthians 6:1-2
Our partnership with Christ (and each other) is for today. Today is the day of Salvation. Life with God gives us rest and peace.
Matthew 11:28 & Luke 15:31 & John 17:21 & Philippians 4:6-7
Join us 06/08/24 at 10AM as we continue our Mind Renewal Series!