How has Culture influenced the way we approach God?
Ephesians 4:17-24
This verse teaches about who we were before our salvation in Christ Jesus. But, we can act this way even when we are saved if we are not walking with God.
Culture and advertisement have influenced us and have drawn us away from life walking with God.
When we don’t have a relationship with God our reasoning gets clouded. We are spiritually blind and ignorant.
Do we have a relationship with God all the time? And if we don’t walk with God all the time, how can the life of Christ touch and transform others through us?
Ephesians 2:1-10
This verse describes that we are influenced by the world, and we have fleshly desires and impulses. Sometimes we do not do what the Lord wants us to do. We make choices and we make these choices in our heart.
Are we choosing to live with God, under God, over God, from God or for God?
2 Corinthians 4:4
We can have unbelief in our heart and still be saved. Unbelief in our heart can stop the flow of God in our life.
The only way to overcome unbelief is a life with God.
Romans 12:1-2
We should be choosing, as an act of worship, to give ourselves over to God.
Do you give yourself wholeheartedly to God daily?
Most people operate out of their emotions. Emotions are strong and it is only by God’s living water in us that will get through a person’s emotions. The word of God is a double edge sword - cutting through bone and marrow.
1 Corinthians 2:14-16
We have the mind of Christ – this is to be guided by His will so His glory can work through us.
There is nothing impossible with God. Therefore, there is nothing impossible for those with the mind of Christ.
We should bring the life of Christ into our daily lives.
What are the Different Approaches People Relate to God?
Life Under God:
John 9: 1-3, 24-34
Since ancient times, sacrifices and rituals were made to gods to avert disaster or to be blessed. This thought has permeated throughout history and event to present times.
Traditions and rituals can influence how we relate to God.
Life under God: Relationship with God is judged upon how happy and blessed you are.
Life under God is a destructive way to relate to God. We are not to please God just so we can be blessed and escape tragedy. This approach to relating to God believes that I am obedient, I will be blessed and vice versa.
It looks at God like cause and effect -- I do my part and God does his part.
Living under God is a religious mindset. It believes that if one diligently works to stay within the boundaries of the laws and rules in the scripture they will be blessed. It is worldly and self-centered and can result in being angry and disillusioned.
Isaiah 29:13-14
This verse talks about tradition. God wants to do marvelous things, but if we are wrapped up on traditions and rituals, can he?
Provision is not a thing; it is a person [God]. God is provision. Healing is not a thing; it is a person [God] (and so on). We cannot focus on what God gives or His benefits but forget God.
Life over God:
The 16-17th Century began scientific discovery and reasoning. People used logic. God was no longer believed to be involved in our daily lives. There was a belief that God set his law and principles in motion and man only needed to follow them. This perspective made man a god in their own eyes. God's principles and law took the place of God. The Bible is looked at like an instruction manual. The thought is: “If I do what it says, I will get the blessing.” God is abandoned for controllable outcomes by man's ability to follow His principles. The Bible becomes man’s idol. God is not necessary in our daily life.
Revelation 3: 19-20
The Pharisee’s missed seeing Jesus because Jesus made himself equal with God and they could not fathom this. The Word is a person. The Word is Christ.
John 1:1-14
We did not have the opportunity to walk with Jesus in the flesh, but we have plenty of opportunity to walk with Him in the spirit.
Our Spirit contains the triune being. When we forget this, we can tend to live life over God using the principle of God to find solutions to our problems.
Isaiah 53:5 & 1 Peter 2:24 & Psalm 6:2 & James 5:13-16 & Mark 11: 22-24
These verses offer promises of healing. We can declare and believe for the healing but not see it because we are seeking the solution (healing), not the Healer for the healing. Or we are trusting in the rituals, traditions, and principles more than \trusting in the person of God.
The person who is living over God is just going through the motions. They are doing what they believe is right to get their healing – they exclude God himself.
When we try to forge ahead using the rituals and traditions without God expecting results, we are living over God, not with God.
Hebrews 3: 14-19
Unbelief and the unwillingness to trust in God will keep us separated from God and we will operate in our own strength. The only way to rid ourselves of unbelief is through prayer and fasting. Usually, this is a symptom of wanting control over our situations.
John 5:39-40
We can have knowledge of the scriptures, but still have an unwillingness to walk with (go to) God.
I Timothy 3:14-15
The Bible is to make us wise and learn about God, but our walk must be with God.
Exodus 17:1-7
Moses went to God first. The LORD told Moses to strike the rock and Moses listened.
Moses walked with God, the people did not.
Numbers 20:2-12
Moses went before the LORD first, but he must have had anger in his heart because he didn’t listen to the Lord’s instruction (but struck the rock again). God called this unbelief. Anger can block obedience to God.
Join us 05/25/24 at 10AM as we continue our Mind Renewal Series!
